09 88 37 70 09 Arbonne


Lurrak ("lands" in Basque) is a story of friendship, passion, and terroir. Lurrak is the project of Romain Goyeneche and Paul Chauvet.
One, passionnate about food, and the other, of good wines. Together, they dreamed (a lot)... imagined (for a long time)... and meticulously created this place that resembles them.
Located in the heart of the village of Arbonne, their 35-seat restaurant is in harmony with the wild and preserved landscape of the Basque Country. In an intimate, warm, and friendly space, you will taste a natural cuisine that showcases exceptional local products, as well as the people who harvest them: artisans, farmers, fishermen, and breeders from the region. Lurrak is also a team and a cuisine committed to sustainable practices and respect for the environment and heritage.